
National Resistance Movement was founded as a Liberation Movement that waged a successful protracted people’s struggle that liberated Uganda from fascist and dictatorial regimes. The National Resistance Movement restored political stability, respect for human rights, national unity, peace, security, law and order, Constitutionalism and the rule of law;

NRM launched and executed a minimum economic recovery programme through rehabilitation and development of socio-economic infrastructure, reduction and control of inflation, promotion of local and foreign investment, promotion of private sector led growth and export oriented production;

The National Resistance Movement introduced democracy and enfranchised the people of Uganda through restoration of the vote in regular, free and fair elections;

National Resistance Movement politically empowered previously marginalized sections of our society, namely women, youth, elders, people with disabilities and workers to play their rightful role in management of public affairs:

National Resistance Movement established participatory  democracy through a policy of decentralisation and self-governance through local councils, leading to political empowerment of the people and social harmony;

National Resistance Movement established and operated the Movement Political System, that enhanced the people’s participation in the political, social and economic development of the country;

Our Vision

The vision of NRM is a peaceful, united, democratic, harmonious, industrialised, transformed and prosperous Uganda within a strong and united Africa.

Our Mission

The Mission of NRM is to transform Uganda from a poor peasant society into a modern, industrial, united and prosperous society.

NRM is a national, broad based, inclusive, democratic, non-sectarian, multi-ideological, multi-interest and progressive mass organisation.

In pursuit of its aims and objectives, NRM is guided by, but not limited to, the following principles:

  1.  Pursuit of peace;
  2. Democracy and good governance;
  3. National unity and non-sectarianism;
  4.  Affirmative action;
  5. Equal opportunities
  6. Socio-economic transformation and modernization
  7. Patriotism
  8. Pan–Africanism

Further, the principles of transparency, accountability, integrity, consensus building and merit are a basis for accessing positions of leadership within the organs of NRM.

What we Aim at

The aims and objectives of NRM are to:

  1.   1.  Mobilise the people of Uganda to support and work for the attainment of the vision of NRM;

       2.  Consolidate democracy and constitutional governance in Uganda;

       3.  Consolidate peace, security, protection of persons and property, and eliminate all forms of terrorism;

       4.  Consolidate national unity and patriotism;

       5.  Devolve power from the Central Government to the regions as another tier of governance provided this does not compromise the wider goal of economic and political integration of East Africa;

       6.  Defend national sovereignty, territorial integrity and independence of Uganda;

       7.  Build an integrated, self-sustaining and independent national economy;

       8.  Develop and continuously maintain socio-economic infrastructure and amenities and ensure balanced regional development

       9.  Strengthen the capacity to eradicate corruption;

       10. Build capacity for disaster management and resettlement of displaced people;

       11. Pursue economic and political integration of East Africa;

       12. Implement a strategy of private sector led growth and export oriented production;

       13. Generate employment, create wealth, widen the tax base, and develop infrastructure ,

       14. Implement a policy of socio-economic infrastructure development using internal long term borrowing in addition to external sources of funding;

       15. Implement a focussed Human Resource Development policy and capacity building in the technical and public service sector;

       16. Apply science and technology in all aspects of development for the transformation of society;

       17. Preserve and develop our culture;

       18. Consolidate programmes which are responsive to gender and marginalized groups;

       19. Undertake exploitation of natural resources for the good of the people and to preserve, protect and manage the environment to ensure sustainable development;

       20. Pursue a policy of Pan-Africanism, promotion of a common African market and pursue the realisation of African Union;

       21. Foster regional and world peace, democracy and social justice;

       22. Cooperate with other organisations in pursuing the purposes of this Constitution and for the benefit of humanity;

       23. Undertake any other activity for the attainment of the objectives of this Constitution and vision of NRM.

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